Happy Anniversary + E I G H T

June 26, 2010

Eight years ago we said “I do”, spent a blissful week in Mexico, and hopped on a plane to move to Seattle and start our life together in a new state.
If I could have told that young wife then, what I know now, I would tell her: trust in the Lord and be brave.
The road ahead will never be clear in this coach’s wife life – we will never be able to see more than a step ahead of us- but God is good and he will always provide. The way you will learn to trust your husband, to trust God, and to trust yourself is more valuable than any roadmap ever would’ve been. You don’t know it now, but saying yes to this man is one of the bravest things that you’ve ever done. You will have to dig down deep on this journey, but you’ll become a better person for it. Keep saying “yes” to the people and the things that you love. God put them in your heart for reason and he will help you along the way. Eight years of marriage seems far away, but you will blink and it will be here. You will overcome a lot together in this short time. And while I’m sure it’s unimaginable that you could love this man any more than you do on your wedding day, believe me, the love only gets bigger, deeper and sweeter.
Cheers to 8 years with my coach. This man has challenged me, pushed me, strengthened me, loved me, supported me and helped me to become a better me than I knew was possible. Grateful doesn’t even come close to how I feel about being married to him ❤ ⠀⠀⠀