Learning to Love the Jiggle

Oh man this is a hard one to share but I hope it’s encouragement for other women like me.
I have struggled with my weight since college. I packed on 50 pounds during pregnancy and while I’ve technically lost that weight, my body is much different than it was before baby. And there are still many pounds to go for my best health.

Self-discipline isn’t exactly my strength. Especially when it comes to food and exercise. I like food. A lot. If I have the option to eat wine and a cheese plate, I’m *probably* going to eat it. And let’s not get started on dessert 🍦Life’s too short to not enjoy good food.
So naturally I beat myself up regularly about my failed self-discipline. Which isn’t really productive. Lately I’ve been working on embracing all of me, even the imperfections {shout out to #brenebrown}
And I’m grateful because it allowed me to share this silly moment with my son without thinking about how crazy jiggly my tummy is.

What if I had recoiled? Pulled my shirt down and made some comment about “mommy’s tummy”? What message would I have been sending my child? And I would have missed out on that laugh…
Is it important for me to continue working on my health and fitness? Absolutely! But it’s equally important for me to love and accept the person I am at this very moment. Because I am worthy of love and belonging just as I am. And I want my children to know that they too are worthy just as they are.