Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

I didn’t expect the tears today. I knew it was infant loss awareness day. I knew I’d want to say something about it. Light a candle. Say a prayer. But I didn’t think it would hit so hard. I’m not someone who really gets caught up in themed days. ⠀

If I’m super honest there is a part of me that doesn’t feel like we fully belong to this group of grieving parents. Our sweet embryo baby only made his home on my womb for a few short days. He tried. A chemical pregnancy is what the doctor called it. ⠀

But I have friends who have lost babies at 10 weeks. At 22 weeks. At birth. After… ⠀

So much of me feels like our loss just doesn’t touch that kind of loss. And in a way I still think that’s true. ⠀

But then I saw this image. And then the tears. Because no matter how short lived. No matter how teeny tiny that baby boy was, he still WAS. He existed. He was loved and wanted and he is no longer here. I haven’t cried for our loss in a while. I’ve been focusing on positive things and gratitude, but I’m gonna cry tonight and that’s okay. ⠀

I’m crying tears for you too, mama. I am 1 in 4. ⠀

4 thoughts on “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day

  1. Christina Faubion says:

    Loss is loss, don’t measure it against anyone else’s. I wish there was something I could do. Love you my baby girl and Jo!

  2. Michelle says:

    I’m sorry your sad but you have every right to feel this way and I tell myself when I have those moments that it’s in honor of the three I have loss. Although I have two wonderful kiddos who I adore I still think back every now and then with tears in my eyes and moments of wonder.

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